Pontus Meilink
Practice Areas: Disputes and lawsuits, public procurement, contract law, commercial tenancy law, labor law
Education: Jur kand, LL.M, 2005
Languages: Svenska och engelska
Experience: Länsrätten i Örebro – notarie, Kriström Advokatbyrå – bitr jurist, Kammarrätten i Stockholm – föredragande, ICA-handlarnas förbund – bolagsjurist, Advokatfirman INTER – bitr jurist/advokat, Bemannia AB – bolagsjurist, Advokatbyrå Pontus Meilink – advokat, Advokatfirman INTER – advokat och delägare
Phone: +46 (0)70 788 01 27
E-mail: pontus.meilink@inter.se
Born: 1970
What are your specialist skills?
“Disputes and lawsuits as well as public procurement.”
You mentioned public procurement, tell me.
“During my years in court, I worked a lot with cases concerning public procurement. Public procurement has since been a large part of my duties, mainly in my work as a corporate lawyer. I help companies with their tender work, analysis of inquiry materials and with review matters.”
What else do you assist your clients with?
“I strive to help the law firm’s clients with most of the issues that may arise for a medium-sized company. It can e.g. be labor law, negotiate and establish agreements with customers, partners and suppliers. Company law issues and dispute resolution are matters that clients also receive help with. Because the law firm INTER has broad solid knowledge and experience, I know that our clients will always receive high-quality legal advice.”